便民服務雲端平台Public Services Cloud Platform
AIC offer PaaS services such as Course and Event Registration, On-line Ticketing, e-Payment, and e-Commerce platform, etc.to public or private organization to meet their needs for better customer services, which is realized by the cloud big data application.
政府的相關服務往往因為流量大且需要滿足一定程度的合規要求而需要高耐用性、高可用性、高安全性的資料中心以支撐其服務,透過Amazon Web Services (AWS) 與 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 等頂尖雲端廠商的服務,可快速滿足此需求,並透過完善的託管式服務可快速架設出高可用的服務,以應對快速變遷的後疫情時代。
Government services often require high durability, availability, and secured Data Centers to withstand large traffic and compliance requirements. By leveraging managed services from the top public cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), AIC team can work with government agency to quickly meet this demand and built high-availability cloud services to ensure sustainability in the rapidly changing post-pandemic era.