
UAN CARE擁有一項獲得專利的AIoT平台技術,可連接多種智能設備。使用者可以輕鬆操作平台,而設備可以準確地檢測和讀取各種信息,使得在緊急情況下可以進行即時通知。除此之外,UAN CARE還經營一個電子商務平台。
By Connect AIoT and Homecare service, we care for the elders at the first time, so that they can live in peace and you can work with peace of mind.
UAN CARE has a patented AIoT platform technology that connects multiple intelligent devices. Users can easily operate the platform, and the devices can detect and read various information accurately, allowing for real-time notification in the event of an emergency. In addition to this, UAN CARE operates an e-commerce platform.
作為一家新的基於訂閱的AIoT業務,UAN CARE在建立和管理其IT基礎設施方面面臨著挑戰。他們需要快速建立一個可擴展和安全的網站,以便能夠快速面對市場。然而,公司缺乏必要的專業知識或資源來有效地管理其IT基礎設施。他們需要一個解決方案,讓他們專注於核心業務,同時確保其IT基礎設施可靠、安全和具有成本效益。
As a new subscription-based AIoT business, UAN CARE faced challenges with building and managing their IT infrastructure. They needed to quickly set up a scalable and secure website that could let them quickly face the market. However, the company did not have the necessary expertise or resources to manage their IT infrastructure effectively. They needed a solution that would allow them to focus on their core business while ensuring that their IT infrastructure was reliable, secure, and cost-effective.
AIC實施的新基礎設施為UAN CARE帶來了多種好處,包括增加穩定性、可擴展性和安全性。UAN CARE的網站可用性達到99.9%,手動操作時間減少了50%。此外,新基礎設施更易於管理,並提供更好的IT環境可視性。網站能夠處理顧客和交易,而且公司能夠將其IT基礎設施成本降低了30%與現場部署SI解決方案相比。
總結來說,與AIC的合作使UAN CARE能夠專注於其核心業務,同時確保其IT基礎設施可靠、安全且具有成本效益。AIC提供了公司所缺乏的專業知識和資源,讓他們能夠建立和管理一個基於雲的網站,以滿足其不斷增長的業務需求。
The new infrastructure implemented by AIC provided a range of benefits to UAN CARE, including increased stability, scalability, and security. UAN CARE saw a 99.9% site uptime and reduced their manual operation time by 50%. Additionally, the new infrastructure was easier to manage and provided better visibility into the company’s IT environment. The website was able to handle customers and transactions without any issues, and the company was able to reduce their IT infrastructure costs by 30% by comparing to on-premise SI solutions.
Overall, the partnership with AIC allowed UAN CARE to focus on their core business while ensuring that their IT infrastructure was reliable, secure, and cost-effective. AIC provided expertise and resources that the company is running short of, allowing them to build and manage a cloud-based website that was able to meet the demands of their growing business.