
Application Service



AIC team of professionals work with customers to speed up the establishment of cloud services such as AI system, Data Middle Platform, Remote Access Control service, Content Delivery Network (CDN), DDoS defense, etc.    

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 與 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 皆有將其應用於其母公司其他營運項目中的人工智慧模組下放至雲端平台上供使用者使用(SaaS),且也同時有建置完整的AI訓練平台供資料科學家使用(PaaS),更提供最利於人工智慧使用的底層基礎架構(IaaS),因此不論客戶處於人工智慧應用中的哪個階段的使用者,皆能受益於雲端平台的優勢,而宏碁智雲專業技術團隊也會根據我們自身過往的實戰經驗協助客戶運用這些雲端科技服務為客戶端帶來前所未有的企業效益。

Both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) have deployed the artificial intelligence modules used by themselves to their respective cloud platform as a SaaS for enterprises.  AI training platform (PaaS) and optimized underlying infrastructure (IaaS) are also available to data scientists to work with their own models. Therefore, users who work with any kind of artificial intelligence application can benefit from these public cloud platforms. AIC RD and Technical teams with real-world experiences are committed to support customers who aim to outcompete peers and take advantages brought upon by cloud technology.

宏碁智雲除了提供Amazon Web Services (AWS) 與 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 頂尖公有雲的網路服務之外,也整合第三方提供商針對DNS域名、SSL/TLS憑證、特殊網路防禦、高效CDN等網路服務提供雲端整體規劃服務。針對不只是對於網速大量資料傳輸或更進階的資安網路防禦有特殊需求的客戶,宏碁智雲皆能為您企業提出可行的客製化服務方案。

AIC brings customers the best-in-class third party services on DNS domain names, SSL/TLS certificates, advanced network defenses, and CDNs etc., on top of both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) public cloud services. For those customers that are sensitive to speed of content delivery or security of network defense, AIC team can work with clients to come up with an actionable plan taking advantage of AWS or GCP’s unique offering.