AIC supported YOUHACK with automatic scaling of server resources during a surge in website traffic.



有駭客科技專注在web跟app開發已經邁入第十年。客戶遍及各大國際知名品牌及產業。一直以來在台灣的企業網站app建置上,市場就是缺乏有國際網站經驗的工程師團隊來為企業帶來創新與改革。 而創辦人於10年工作期間在Yahoo! Yam D-Link等知名網路公司擔任工程師,不斷精進鞭策自己的技術能力經驗。 2014年創辦有駭客科技股份有限公司至今,使命是來幫助各大企業在網站app上做創新及研發的最佳夥伴。


Youhack has been focusing on web and app development for ten years. Our clients include various internationally renowned brands and industries. In Taiwan, when it comes to building corporate websites and apps, the market has long lacked experienced engineering teams with international website expertise to bring innovation and reform to enterprises. During the founder’s 10-year work experience at renowned internet companies such as Yahoo!, Yam, and D-Link as an engineer, he continuously honed and pushed himself to improve his technical abilities and experience. Youhack was founded in 2014 with the mission of becoming the best partner to help enterprises innovate and conduct research and development for their websites and apps.

Acer AI Cloud Inc. (AIC) thoroughly conducted customer requirement interviews to fully understand the current operational needs and goals of YOUHACK INC. (YOUHACK). We provided diverse cloud solutions, with a special focus on the development and maintenance of enterprise-level websites and applications. We gained in-depth insights into YOUHACK’s requirements for high availability, resource elasticity, and data security, tailoring a comprehensive and cost-effective cloud architecture to support their continuous business expansion and optimization.



The main challenges in this project revolved around addressing website performance issues, particularly during holidays or special events when traffic spikes led to severe webpage latency. Additionally, considerations for data security and cost-effectiveness were crucial. AsYOUHACK’s business continued to grow, effectively managing and scheduling the increasing demand for resources became a significant challenge.


我們透過Load Balancer偵測負載情況,依此功能進行設定水平拓展功能,在流量激增時適時且即時的自動擴展主機資源,進而滿足週期化的資源需求。並透過雲原生提供的snapshot工具,做資料定期備份。在資源成本上,並透過Active Assist,在資源浪費時提醒客戶主動縮減多餘的資源,進而節省成本。

We implemented Load Balancer to monitor load conditions and configured horizontal scaling to automatically expand server resources in real-time during traffic spikes, meeting periodic resource demands. Utilizing cloud-native snapshot tools, we established regular data backups. In terms of resource costs, we implemented Active Assist and alert customers to proactively reduce unnecessary resources, further saving costs.



Google Cloud提供多樣化的應用資源組合,自動擴展資源的應用服務。使得我們可以將專注力放在程式模組的撰寫與優化。且在台灣有落地機房,伺服器平均反應時間均在10ms內,對分秒必爭的瀏覽體驗,有非常大的加分效果。

Successfully providing YOUHACK with a stable, efficient, and secure cloud solution has not only enhanced their corporate image but also become a primary reason for choosing long-term collaboration with AIC. This collaboration not only addressed the technical challenges faced by YOUHACK but also brought substantial business value to both parties.

Google Cloud offers a diverse portfolio of application resources and automated scaling of application services. This allows us to focus on the writing and optimization of program modules. With Google Cloud’s data centers located in Taiwan, the average server response time is within 10ms, providing a significant boost to the critical browsing experience where every millisecond counts.