AIC 協作解決方案 利用Google Workspace推動萬達寵物業務增長
AIC Solutions Utilizing Google Workspace to Drive Business Growth for WonderPet

萬達寵物 的初衷
專注打造最貼近消費者的寵物生活提案平台, 以安心自然,物有所值成本為選品原則, 串聯寵物與飼主提供最適服務, 構建『被寵愛』的生活提案平台。 為了讓世界更好透過平台,讓更多有需要被需要的毛孩, 一起展開美好生活。
透過將管理控制台的操作權限授予宏碁智雲,我們能夠確保客戶在使用Google Workspace管理控制台時,即使遇到任何挑戰或問題,也能夠得到迅速且有效的解決。在導入過程中,我們的顧問團隊會與客戶進行即時互動,不僅能快速解決客戶問題,也能夠深入理解客戶的具體需求和業務環境。通過這種深入的交流,我們能夠精確地定制解決方案,確保提供的每一項服務都能夠完美貼合客戶的實際需要,也能達成更高效、更靈活的業務運作。
WonderPet’s initial goal was to focus on creating a pet lifestyle platform that is closest to consumers, with the principles of selecting safe, natural, and cost-effective products. By connecting pets and their owners, WonderPet aimed to provide the most suitable services and build a “beloved” lifestyle platform. Through the platform, they hoped to make the world a better place by allowing more needy pets to start living a wonderful life.
By granting AIC the permission to manage the admin console, we could ensure that customers would receive prompt and effective solutions even if they encountered any challenges or issues while using the Google Workspace admin console. During the implementation process, our consulting team would interact with customers in real-time, not only solving customer problems quickly but also gaining a deep understanding of their specific needs and business environments. Through such in-depth communication, we could precisely customize solutions, ensuring that every service we provided perfectly matched the customer’s actual needs and achieved more efficient and flexible business operations.
As WonderPet actively expanded its store network, they faced several challenges, including team communication and collaboration, document and information management, and system scalability. With stores scattered across different locations, ensuring instant communication and efficient collaboration among employees became crucial. Simultaneously, the company generated a large amount of documents and information, necessitating a unified and easily accessible management system to maintain information flow and updates. More importantly, as the business continued to grow, WonderPet urgently needed a flexible solution that could easily adapt to the increasing demands, providing robust support for its rapidly growing business. The system’s scalability and adaptability would directly impact WonderPet’s ability to further expand its network and seize more business opportunities in the future.
為解決萬達寵物遇到的溝通協作和文件管理挑戰,宏碁智雲提出了全面的Google Workspace解決方案。首先,我們為萬達寵物導入Google Meet視訊會議系統,讓分散各地的員工能夠隨時隨地進行高品質的線上會議,直接面對面討論,不受地域限制。接著,我們推薦使用Google Chat進行內部即時文字溝通和討論。當需要專注解決特定問題時,Chat能讓相關人員方便地將問題對焦,新加入的夥伴也能迅速掌握狀況。在文件管理方面,宏碁智雲建議萬達寵物使用Google Drive的Shared Drive功能,將公司文件統一存放在受權限控管的雲端硬碟空間。這不僅有效整合了文件管理,也確保了資料的安全性。最後,Google Workspace平台的靈活擴展性,能夠完美支持萬達寵物在未來業務持續成長的各種需求。無論面臨什麼樣的挑戰,Google Workspace都能提供高度彈性的解決方案,助力萬達寵物邁向更遠大的發展版圖。
To address WonderPet’s communication, collaboration, and document management challenges, AIC proposed a comprehensive Google Workspace solution. First, we introduced Google Meet video conferencing system, allowing employees scattered across different locations to participate in high-quality online meetings and face-to-face discussions without geographical limitations. Next, we recommended using Google Chat for internal instant text communication and discussions. When the need arose to focus on solving specific problems, Chat enabled relevant personnel to conveniently concentrate on the issue at hand, and new team members could quickly grasp the situation. For document management, AIC advised WonderPet to use the Shared Drive feature in Google Drive, centralizing the company’s documents in a cloud-based storage space with access control. This not only effectively integrated document management but also ensured data security. Finally, the flexible scalability of the Google Workspace platform could perfectly support WonderPet’s future growth demands. No matter what challenges they faced, Google Workspace could provide highly flexible solutions, enabling WonderPet to move toward even greater development horizons.
透過導入Google Workspace一站式協作解決方案,萬達寵物的運營效率獲得顯著提升。首先,建立起高效的線上會議系統,大幅增加了團隊溝通效率,公司的管理成本也因此下降了40%。同時,使用Google Drive進行文件協作管理,讓文件的整理和存取變得十分便利,大幅減少了行政人員的工作負擔和時間成本。Google Workspace的導入為萬達寵物降低了大量人力和運營開支,釋放出更多資源可被用於業務拓展。員工的工作效率及協作體驗也獲得了改善,公司得以更迅速、更有彈性地拓展新分店,把握更多商機。透過Google的創新協作工具,萬達寵物成功化解了規模快速成長所帶來的各種挑戰,為其后續的蓬勃發展奠定了堅實基礎。
By implementing the all-in-one Google Workspace collaboration solution, WonderPet achieved significant improvements in operational efficiency. Firstly, the establishment of an efficient online meeting system greatly increased team communication efficiency, reducing the company’s management costs by 40%. Additionally, using Google Drive for document collaboration and management made document organization and access more convenient, significantly reducing the workload and time costs for administrative staff. The implementation of Google Workspace allowed WonderPet to cut substantial labor and operational costs, freeing up more resources for business expansion. Employee work efficiency and collaboration experience were also enhanced, enabling the company to expand new stores more quickly and flexibly, seizing more business opportunities. Through Google’s innovative collaboration tools, WonderPet successfully resolved various challenges brought about by its rapid growth, laying a solid foundation for its subsequent prosperous development.