龍星顯示科技如何利用 Google Workspace 實現數位化轉型

AIC Empowers AGILE’s Digital Transformation Journey with Google Workspace Solutions


龍星顯示科技(AGILE)是專注於高品質商用顯示器製造的公司,總部位於台南,並於美國、荷蘭等國設有辦公室,客戶群涵蓋歐美等地。團隊以創造客戶價值、信賴與責任、創新、團隊合作、靈活性等五大核心價值,不斷深耕於ESG,立志成為永續數位看板解決方案的領導者,以減少對環境的影響。主要的產品包含以電子紙製作的雲海報(Cloud Poster)、高亮度節能顯示器(High Brightness EcoDimming Displays),可應用於室內外各種場所、亦有電視牆或客製化LCD等各種互動式數位看板的產品。其優質的產品榮獲Microsoft與Google的團隊認證,並為客戶開發出適用於Zoom、Google Meet、Teams等主要遠端會議平台的優化方案。


Agile Display Technology (AGILE) is a company specializing in the manufacture of high-quality commercial digital signage displays. Headquartered in Tainan, it also has offices in the USA, the Dutch regions, and other countries, serving clients across Europe and the Americas. Guided by five core values like creating customer value, accountability & trust, innovation, teamwork, and being like water, AGILE is committed to advancing ESG initiatives and aims to become a leader in sustainable digital signage solutions, with a focus on minimizing environmental impact. Primary products include Cloud Posters made with e-paper digital signage technology and High Brightness Displays (EcoDimming), suitable for a variety of indoor digital signage displays and outdoor lcd display. AGILE also offers interactive digital signage solutions like video walls and customized lcd solutions. Their high-quality products have been certified by Microsoft and Google teams, and they have developed optimized solutions for their customers applicable to major remote conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Teams.

On the official website, you will find further insights into the 「What is ePaper & How Does It Work?」, how color e-paper digital signage impacts modern business models, and how battery powered digital signage is transforming the game.

了解更多 / To learn more: https://agiledisplaysolutions.com/



From the beginning of its establishment, AGILE recognized the importance of building an enterprise-level email system. They sought a low-cost email service that did not require extensive IT infrastructure investment while providing 24/7 uninterrupted, high-quality service support. As their business grew rapidly, the need for internal communication and collaboration became increasingly urgent. AGILE needed to establish an efficient collaboration mechanism that allowed employees scattered across different locations to seamlessly integrate and work together. Additionally, the growing demand for document and data storage required a secure, reliable, and easily accessible cloud space. Ensuring the security of the company’s core data and intellectual property also became a critical issue for AGILE.


為滿足AGILE的需求,Google Workspace平台擁有AGILE所需要的整體解決方案。首先建置了企業級的Gmail雲端郵件系統,無需投入龐大資本支出,便能立即獲得穩定、安全且高服務等級的電子郵件服務。接著,我們在Google Workspace中建立了整合的用戶目錄及權限管理機制,方便公司統一管控員工帳號。透過Google Meet 與不同區域分公司及出差人員進行遠端會議,實現了高品質的視訊會議體驗。為確保AGILE的數據安全,我們為其啟用了諸如強制執行多重要素驗證等一系列安全防護機制,有效防範資料外洩及潛在的資安風險。

To meet AGILE’s needs, the Google Workspace platform offers the comprehensive solution required by AGILE. First, an enterprise-level Gmail cloud email system was set up, allowing them to immediately obtain a stable, secure, and high-service-level email service without substantial capital expenditure. Next, we established an integrated user directory and permission management mechanism within Google Workspace, enabling the company to centrally manage employee accounts. Through Google Meet, remote meetings were conducted with different regional branches and traveling employees, achieving a high-quality video conferencing experience. To ensure AGILE’s data security, we enabled a series of security protection mechanisms for them, such as enforcing multi-factor authentication, effectively preventing data leakage and potential security risks.


採用Google Workspace一站式的協作解決方案,有效解決了龍星顯示科技的各項需求。低成本的訂閱模式避免了高額建置費用,可靠的服務等級協議也確保了24小時不間斷運作。員工現在能輕鬆地跨地區線上協作,公司管理者也能更好地掌控IT環境。嚴格的資訊安全防護更為龍星創造了安全可靠的工作環境,助力業務發展。

By adopting Google Workspace’s all-in-one collaboration solution, AGILE effectively addressed their various needs. The low-cost subscription model avoided high setup costs, while the reliable service level agreement ensured 24/7 uninterrupted operation. Employees can now easily collaborate online across regions, and company managers have better control over the IT environment. Strict information security protection has also created a secure and reliable working environment for AGILE, supporting their business development.