
Cloud Network

雲端網路服務Cloud Network

宏碁智雲提供企業用戶在進行雲端遷移時的整體專業規劃顧問服務,透過公有雲服務商的全球網路建置,確保客戶能迅速建立高傳輸效率、高可用性、高安全性的網路環境,包含虛擬私有雲 (Virtual Private Cloud, VPC)、子網路 (Subnet)、地雲串連的端對端虛擬私人網路 (Site-to-Site VPN) 以及網路防護等加值服務。我們協助客戶評估與檢視雲端網路環境的設置,以隨時掌握雲端數據並確保雲端資料安全。

Acer AI Cloud provides clients comprehensive consulting services before they start their go-cloud journey. We leverage global public cloud to ensure customers enjoy high transmission efficiency, high availability, and high security cloud network through network configuration services that include Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Subnet, Site-to-Site Virtual Private Network(VPN), and network protection services. Our professional team helps customers assess, evaluate and fine-tune cloud configuration when they decides to shift to cloud to secure data safety and their ROI. 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 透過專用、高可用性和低延遲的私有全球網路基礎設施,目前以越洋電纜連接其25個區域、80個可用區、230個以上的節點(每年持續增加中)。除了全球高速網路外,也會確保資料傳輸時的機密性、完整性和可用性,並透過先進的資安服務以阻擋常見的網路攻擊。

Amazon Web Services (AWS) currently uses trans-oceanic cables to connect its 25 regions, 80 availability zones(AZ), and more than 230 edge locations (continuously increasing every year) through a dedicated, high-availability, and low-latency private global network infrastructure. In addition to the global high-speed network, AWS will also ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data transmission, and block common network attacks through advanced services.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 透過專用的軟體定義網路為世界各地的使用者提供快速又可靠的連線,目前以海底電纜連接橫跨24個區域、73個可用區、144個網路邊緣位置(每年持續增加中)。透過GCP,使用者可輕易使用高度佈建的低延遲網路,如同我們日常常用的Gmail、Google搜尋及YouTube等產品,確保提供優異的使用者體驗和卓越效能。

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides fast and reliable connection for users around the world through a dedicated software-defined network. Currently, it is connected by trans-oceanic cables across 24 regions, 73 availability zones, and 144 network edge locations (continue increasing every year). Through GCP, users can easily enjoy the highly deployed and low-latency network as same as Gmail, Google Search, and YouTube that we almost visited daily, achieving excellent user experience and outstanding performance.