AIC provides WFH solutions for businesses looking to level up resilience for post-pandemic challenges, such as cloud offices and video conferencing service, Webinar platform, mobile application security platform, Remote Collaboration platform, MondayCheck, etc.
隨著疫情發展,全世界的工作型態已有很多逐漸轉為遠距辦公,此時便非常需要仰賴完善的網路辦公環境,來協助身處在不同地點上班的員工不間斷合作。宏碁智雲善用Amazon Web Services (AWS) 與 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 等頂尖雲端廠商的服務,除了可快速運用公有雲廠商本身已發展良好的SaaS服務外,也可透過其高可用且可快速開發的工具,快速建置出專屬於客戶的雲端辦公環境。
Remote working has become one of the obvious solutions to fend off the epidemic, however, working seamlessly with coworkers at different places greatly relies on virtual office environments, which is a big challenge for ordinary IT infrastructure. AIC team helps customers quickly on-board WFH solutions either through well-developed, native SaaS services on Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or through highly available and fast-developing features provided by these public clouds to build customer-specific cloud services.